Day 24 of 30 Days of Poetry, Autumn 2024
I work upward. A day begins and, though it insists on descending toward night, I spiral time upwards toward heaven. I am grinding salt from stone, mining heart from darkness. My muscles moan in resistance as I push into the stretch. I face the winter wind, brace against the liquid scorn spraying from familiar tongues. I lean on myself -- though I hear laboring breaths beside me, we each must walk our own way. Once my mother carried me, showed me where to go-- I had to step out into my own life, my weight pressing footprints into the earth -- Cookie cutter dreams of flying, falling, but I brush them away, waking to another insistent sun. The weary cry repeats itself, to hunt to save to climb to arrive where where when thoughtless winds pass by on their merry way. I work upward muscles moaning in resistance, mining heart from darkness.
Today’s poem is from my friend Georgina’s word “stretch.”
I am inspired by the hard work, commitment, mental strength it takes to do anything well, for a long time. This is especially true of those who are dedicated over long periods of time to improve themselves in something like sport, music, art, etc.