Things haven’t been great lately. I bet if I asked you: name a thing or Two caught in your craw, you May start with war or Pandemic or politics or … Then before you know it the Torrent lets itself go and Even though it's been dry, a flood Of complaints erupts, each flowing Harder, wilder, Closer to the heart. Choose your metaphor. Maybe it's a hurricane wind relentless With waters sucked out then pummeling Downward. Or maybe a heartless Summer sunshine hourly turning corn Crackling, dry winds ready for A wayward ember. Feel it palpitating in your Chest, the fan of fear as Nature unfurls its new map -- It's all getting away from you Isn't it? So uncomfortable. Parched, soggy, oppressive -- Misaligned from recent Tempests penetrating dreams Pushing you to the brink. Truth be told, You are not going to like this (Though perhaps you may): “Most of us do not take these [difficult] situations as teachings. We automatically hate them. We run like crazy. We use all kinds of ways to escape — all addictions stem from this moment when we meet our edge and we just can’t stand it. We feel we have to soften it, pad it with something, and we become addicted to whatever it is that seems to ease the pain. ... “To stay with that shakiness — to stay with a broken heart, with a rumbling stomach, with the feelings of hopelessness and wanting to get revenge — that is the path of true awakening." So speaks Buddhist nun Pema Chodron in When Things Fall Apart. Things have always been falling apart -- We just haven't been here For it. Now is our time. This mess is ours -- no more Special than than that of Manon Fontaine and the rest, Unchained from the hold Of La Mutine. Stop yourself now to go inside This moment. Look up and Breathe into the space Around -- be in it. Be as fish in a small tank, Pacing among plastic Ferns and artificial castles. A guppy -- a molly -- makes No difference. one hardly Knows one's neighbor, fighting For the wet crumbs that Float from above. What home is this? How do we Pay the ransom which fear Keeps demanding of us? Invite discomfort Inside, accept it as it appears -- Let it be. Float. Unclench The coin of hope/fear -- Breath upon the Ocean of love.
Recently my therapist said “If only we’d let ourselves be uncomfortable for a half second, we’d get through things a heck of a lot faster!”
She laughed and threw her arms up — I asked her to say that again. Was this true? I asked her. Yes, she reassured me.
I didn’t need the reassurance. I knew it because I’d felt it myself — felt that terrible discomfort and known if I just stuck it out for a relatively short period of time, I’d make it to the other side.
Now and then I let myself be uncomfortable.
Usually I didn’t.
As she said it though, it was a revelation for me. Even though I’d read When Things Fall Apart many times. Even though I’d felt it myself.
Even though I had heard it before from a different therapist!
I began to wonder as Bob Dylan did —
“And how many times can a man turn his head//
And pretend that he just doesn't see?”
The answer my friend…
Love this piece and love you. I resonate so deeply with this. We are all hiding from discomfort and there is a better way. Sometimes we just need someone to remind us. Thank you for being that for me.
I read this. I am doing my best to understand it & live in the moment with it.